
Supply Chain Logistics

Traffic Data Exchange » Supply Chain Logistics
Traffic Data Exchange can help you streamline your logistics so you can focus on what you do best—running your business. We can improve your supply chain management through innovative software solutions and guidance from experienced professionals.

Why Choose Us?

Consult our team of experienced professionals for guidance on how to optimize your processes and boost the efficiency of your logistics. Traffic Data Exchange can help you identify and better utilize critical resources, so you can get the most out of your investments.

Our custom dashboard collects data from multiple sources, securely integrates it and provides users with real-time information and insights. We allocate each charge back to specific cost centres, budget centres, and purchases to track expenditure and assist in contract negotiations as well as business planning. By focusing on quality data, Traffic Data Exchange ensures that the client is in alignment with their internal budget, ensuring that cost is lined up with budget and not actual spend.

Our solutions integrate seamlessly with SAP, Oracle, and other enterprise accounting solutions. We can help you improve your supply chain management with our open source, adaptive, and innovative software. As internet expenditure continues to increase, we can help make the most of the abundance of returns that come with it. Our team can even help you set up a reverse logistics application designed for your unique requirements.

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